Thursday 13 June 2013

MADtv Singing Telegram

We found this funny singing telegram clip that was aired on MADtv. 
Had to share. Oh, and by the way, Calgary Singing Telegrams would 
never show up at your office and do this....unless you asked us to.

Thursday 6 June 2013


"The Lady in the Cake"

I can't tell you how many times I've dressed up in this little number to do a singing telegram. I call this the Lady in the Cake costume because the dress is made to look like a two tier cake. 

So, you get the lady jumping out of the cake without the mess to clean up afterwards. Nice. Of course, I don't literally jump out of the cake, because that would mean that I literally jump out of the costume.  People please! This is a family show. 

Really though, all of the acts at Calgary Singing Telegrams are done in good taste. Over the years I've  done hundreds of singing telegrams and gag o grams (practical jokes). 

This is going to be my secret public diary. I'll post a pic or two, talk about the biz, share some juicy telegram moments, maybe write some wacky stories and know, that kind of thing.

Shannon Shade

Calgary Singing Telegrams, Shannon Shade on SHAW TV